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We are often asked about what equipment is supplied or needs to be supplied. 

Here are the requirements and recommendations: 

Baseball and Bat

Bats (Optional – Team Supplied):

Generally the players each have their own bat or share bats across the team.  Each coach will carry one team bat and bats are optional.  Sparta baseball and the umpired will enforce the 2019 bat requirements from Little League




Helmets (Optional - Team Supplied):

​Similar to the bat requirement, each coach carries a supply of helmets but most Sparta players have their own bat.  While player provided helmets are optional they need to comply with NOCSAE requirements.  More information can be found here:


Baseball Gloves

Gloves (Required - Players Supplied):

Each player is required to supply their own glove (except for the catchers glove, the league/coaches will provide a catchers glove)


Baseball Catchers Gear

Catchers Gear (Optional - Team Supplied):

Players are required to wear a protective cup (no exceptions).  The league will provide each coach/team with one set of catchers gear including a catchers glove

Baseball Glove

Glove and Bat Sizing

The following is a good reference for bat and glove sizing.  Sparta Little League recommends that parents purchase gloves ahead of their size/need to help break them in.  Please see this link for more information:

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